Friday, September 2, 2011

Celebrity or side show freak?

Yesterday Tammy and I went to Golconda Fort,  the weather was perfect for our outing, a little warm.  We walked all over the fort and climbed up to the highest tower, which were alot, alot of stairs.  We were the big attraction though everyone wanted to take pictures with us and of us.  I guess this is how celebrities feel or side show freaks.  It got a little overwhelming and Kia one of Tammy's participants came with us, started to get us away from everyone.  I've attached some pictures of the fort but there is one picture that Tammy took of me next to Kia, a woman and her daughter.  I look like Gulliver from Gulliver Travels.  I wasn't exagerating about how tall I feel here.  Once we left the fort we went to the Hussain Sugar Lake.  It was a lake man made back in 1562 and there it hold the tallest statue of Buddha in the middle of the lake.  It was also the festival of Ganesh, so there were big statues of him all thoughout the city.  Door ways were adorned with orange, yellow and white flower garlands draped all over.  Ganesh is one of the Hindu gods, the story is that his father was the god of war and was off fighting battles and his mother wanted someone to gaurd her door so she created a son and told him to pretect her and not to let anyone in.  His father came home and wanted to enter but Ganesh following instructions would not let him pass so his father took a sword and cut off Ganesh's head.  The mother saw what her husband had done and was very upset, her husband wanted to make amends and found the first animal he could (which was an elephant) and replaced Ganesh's head with an elephants head.  Yesterday was the start of an 11 day festival and on the final day they will throw the statues of Ganesh into the water.  It was all in all a great day.  I could really do without the stares though.  Happy Ganesh Day!

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