Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

Monday morning we wanted to get a jump on our day since it's the few last days that Tammy will be here.  We wanted to go see the Salar Jung Museum and Chowmahalla Palace before she leaves.  The museum was very interesting with all the Indian art pieces, furniture and weapons.  One of the most famous pieces in the collection is the marble sculpture "Veiled Rebecca" by an Italian artist.  Attached is a photo of the sculpture, still won't do it justice.  No cameras were allowed in the museum so no personal photos.  Chowmahalla Palace though was exquisite as you can see by my photos.  Beautiful architecture and wonderful show pieces from the Hyderabad royalty.  Most of my class has never been in the palace, shocking I know but then I thought of Hollywood Graumans Chinese Theater and the first time I went was just a couple years ago.  I guess you don't always appreciate what is close by.  Kalyani one of my participants was so sweet and had my petticoats made for my sarees this weekend, to finish them off.  I'm so excited now they are complete.  I did make Tammy a little jealous since she hasn't gotten hers yet and she's leaving on Wed.  Yesterday was a long day so I'll be signing off.  Till tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kris, I love your pictures of Choemahalla Palace and the Museum. When do we see a picture of you in your saree !!!
    I'm really enjoying your blog.....
    Take Care,
