Friday, September 30, 2011

Last post!

So I'll be leaving in a few short hours.  Yippee!  I'm full of nerves about this long flight. :-(  My driver took me to see the 7 tombs today, and then over to his home.  His family was extremely welcoming.  His sister gave me henna tattoos on my arms.  I'm excited for everyone to see them, hopefully they will last.  I took a picture before I washed off the henna, just in case it fades before I get home.  It only lasts about 3 days, and I had to keep the henna on for 3 hours before washing it off.  She had such a steady hand it was amazing.  Well I'd better log out and finish putting the last few items in the suitcase.  Hope this flight goes quick.  I hope you all enjoyed my blog and I hope that you feel like you've experienced some of India with me.  Love you all and will be seeing you soon.
KB over and out!

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