Saturday, September 24, 2011

Last weekend begins....

Ok I think I'm ready to come home, everyone is now starting to get on my nerves at the hotel.  They are charging me for things that shouldn't be charged, shutting off the hot water in my room.  Why me?  Now it's my last weekend here in Hyderabad and there are protests going on all weekend and everything is shut down for the weekend.  I guess I'll be going out during the week to get my final purchases.  Well at least we are going over to Vineet's home this morning and he's fixing Becca and I Maggie noodles and chai.  Then off to the cricket game, he even said that I can try batting.  Wooo hoo!  We were supposed to go to Charminar today but that will be postponed till Monday.  We will hit the mall I guess.  Well no sleep for me today.  I'll get pics of me playing some cricket.  I leave a week from today and it doesn't seem for real yet, we'll see when I have to start packing up.  Miss you all and will see you soon.

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