Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Early to bed, late to rise, makes me a bit healthier, wealthier, and wise.

Again not much to report, the only good thing about being sick is that I hardly eat anything for dinner and by the time I get back to the hotel I'm starving.  Josie and I went for breakfast when we got back from work and they didn't charge us for it.  YEAH!!  I've gotten some medication from her too and it put me out from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.  I'm feeling a bit better, except for that running nose, I wish someone would turn it off already.  I got to talk to some of my family this morning and it was nice to hear every one's voice.  I haven't gotten homesick very much yet, but today Josie changed her flight and she's leaving tonight.  I don't think it was her going home so much, just that she gets to go home a little earlier that hit me.  Plus I miss Roscoe....Mom, tell him I love him.  Ginger too!  I've better hit the pillow or I'll fall asleep at the desk.  Our hopes is to get out for the festival tomorrow!!!  Good night, or is that day, whatever!

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