Friday, September 9, 2011

Shiparamam going shopping strong....

4 o'clock and off to shop was our plan yesterday at the arts & crafts village of Shilparamam.  Try to say that 10 times fast.  I've attached some photos to check out.  You really had to haggle the vendors down.  One of them tried to sell a pashmina to Tammy for 900 rupees.  Our driver was with us and told me I needed to fetch Tammy so she wouldn't get ripped off by the outrageous prices.  She ended up buying one similar for 300 rupees.  Really can't people be honest?  Again we were attacked by request for photos.  What is such a big deal about Tammy and I.  My class said they must think we are celebrities.  Bunch of Crazies!!  I've attached a pic of my class also.  We've got a busy weekend filled with fun places and things to see.  My class told me that I should turn it around on those that keep asking us for our pictures and start taking pictures of them.  Well I'm going to try to sleep up today so I'm ready for the weekend.  See ya later...

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