Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pearls, pearls & more pearls....

Today was a great day for shopping.  Bright and sunny Tammy and I headed back down to Charminar for pearls.  On the way there we saw two camels today, finally, there's only so many buffalo one person can take.  Samir the manager for Tammy's class took us down to his friends wholesale jewelry store where we got to custom design pieces for family and friends.  We spent a good 3 hours looking at all the selections of pearls he had to offer.  It was amazing!!  He did show me a pendant and earrings that were specially designed more Indian traditional pieces and I was on the verge of purchasing them.  I've attached a picture.  Please let me know if you think I should buy them.  The picture still doesn't do it justice.  It's two peacocks back to back, done in crystals and rubies.  Then we headed to Chili's for dinner and did a little shopping at the mall.  Samir has been so gracious with us and is planning a big weekend of sightseeing and shopping for us next weekend.  Have a bright wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think the set is gorgeous. What a terrible way to spend the for jewelery...Life is so hard.
