Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cricket and Inorbit.

Yesterday was a day filled with cricket and shopping.  In the morning we went over to Vineet's home where he made us breakfast.  Rice patties with coconut and tomato, chili chutneys and Maggie (which is similar to Ramin noodles).  I've supplied a pic.  Also we went and watched his cricket match where both Becca and I got to swing the bat.  See to the left Becca creaming the ball.  I've also attached pics of the MVP of the game Vineet.  He's an excellent bowler and hit a 6 and a 4 during his time up to bat.  I'll have to break down and explain the game at another time.  We all went to lunch at a nice restaurant near Golkonda Fort called the Fort and Vineet got Becca and I onto his scooter on the side road near it.  WOoo Hoo!  After we went over to the Inorbit mall and did a little shopping Rahul came with us and thought we bought out all the stores.  Men should really not come shopping with women except to carry the bags.  Back at the hotel we were riding up the elevator and Becca decided to ask this poor white guy on the elevator if he was Travis, I looked at her funny then she said oh no Rich.  She must have been extremely tired asking strangers who they were.  The man just thought she was crazy.  Today is going to be a lazy day we went to brunch at Bubblicious and had some drinks and great Italian food and we are heading off to the pool just to lounge around for awhile.  Tomorrow we'll be going to Charminar to do some sight seeing and shopping, maybe to a movie before work.  Everyone have a great Sunday!!!  Less than a week to go.  I miss everyone and will be home before you know it.

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