Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days are winding down...

Mark today as the first day that I'm truly homesick.  I've made it for 5 1/2 weeks of such an adventure. Now that everything is winding down and I'm so close to going home,  I wish the week was already over.  I can't wait to see my family and friends.  Roscoe will probably be a little menace for the first few days but I'm even prepared for him.  I will miss everyone here and it will be a little weird not living at a hotel but I'll survive.  Plus I guess I'll be back in a hotel for 4 weeks soon enough.  I've made a lot of new friends that I know I'll keep in touch with in the states and here in India.  I have no regrets about what I've gotten to see and do while I've been here.  Everyone here in India are such welcoming people.  For example Becca and I picked up her saree at the shop on Monday and the owner invited us for dinner at his home with his whole family.  The hotel staff although a few are nuts many of them have become my friends asking me what I got shopping and how's work going.  I'm very blessed to have had the chance to come here and blessed that I have such loving family and friends at home ready for me to come back.  These six weeks have been a blast and I will never forget this trip for the rest of my life.  Sorry for the long monologue but I felt that I haven't written in awhile.

 “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine


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