Sunday, September 11, 2011

Amazing daze...

Yesterday we decided not to sleep and head over to the Birla Temple.  It's located up on top of a hill overlooking Hussain Sagar Lake.  The temple is made completely with white marble the details were amazing.  Cameras and and shoes were forbidden so we couldn't take pictures any closer to the temple then down at the parking.  It was a good and bad thing, good that nobody could stop us to ask to take pictures and bad that I don't think I could even begin to describe how beautiful and detailed the building were.  There was a young girl that came up to me when we were getting our shoes on and said "hi" when i replied hi to her she ran over to her friend and said I talked to the white girl.  Then we were trying to get a few pics before we left and a big group of girls came up all giggly introducing themselves.  Then they asked us if they could take a picture, I did what my class had suggested and asked if I could take a pic of them.  They all squealed with glee.  I've attached some photos of the temple and of the girls.  Today we met Travis, who is out here from TN.  He said that he was going out with Samir, Tammy and I decided to invite ourselves to come along.  Some more shopping was on the agenda then we went to the bar to grab a drink.  Today was the final day of Ganesh festival so everyone was covered in colors, banging drums and bringing their Ganesh to the water to throw in.  I don't know what is up with me and the hotel but I've got to say that the strangest things only happen to me.  I ordered a glass of wine and when the waiter came out he brought Travis and Tammy their drinks but only brought me an empty glass.  So kidding I asked if the wine was magic and would appear later he said he would go get the bottle.  When he got the bottle he couldn't open it so he started to bang the bottom of the bottle like it was a Heinz 57 bottle of ketchup.  We were all rolling on the floor laughing.  I'm terribly tired and we have a long day of sightseeing then to the office so I'm going to hit the sheets.  Nighty Night.

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