Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I knew I was going to be saree....

Sleeping has been eluding itself from me for the past few days.  I went from sleeping all day & night to feeling like Hans Christian Andersen's Princess and the Pea.  I'm exhausted from working all night but as soon as I lay down on the bed I just can't get comfortable.  I get phone calls from the front desk advising me there was a man standing at my door in regards to a sock.  A sock tried to run for freedom by jumping into my laundry bag.  Of course these comments to the staff here at the hotel didn't get the chortles that I am accustomed to receiving.  I went to my front door and spent 20 mins. trying to restrict entrance of the laundry man from his search and recovery mission for the at large, sock to the pair. He was insistent that it could be found under my bed.  I advised that the escape artists twin was in my suitcase.  With the construction outside my window and a bird that is insistent on singing me a lullaby, and phone calls from the front desk, none of these are helping with my sleep patterns.  Tammy and I did head out to the far parts of town to get measured for our sarees.  So finally I know I'm going to have a finished saree.  We also got a delivery of our custom pearls, they are so beautiful.  More than what I could imagine.  We planned out our busy weekend since this will be her last weekend here.  I will miss her crazy, wonderful, indecisive, adventurous spirit.  No plans for today except hopefully get some peace, ok how about just a good 5 hours, no interruptions, snooze fest.  I guess the sleeping pills will return today or I'll be useless tonight in class.  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, but if they do, grab your shoe and beat them till they are black and blue....

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