Thursday, September 29, 2011

One of my lasts postings...

Well this will be one of my last postings, I have just a little over 24 hours left of my trip here in India.  It's been a blast!  I'm attaching some photos of the class and some photos from Rajesh's birthday.  Poor guy they smeared the cake all over his face.  That is a custom here for birthday to add some sweetness to their lives.  Pretty funny!  I can honestly say that I'm ready to come home.  I'm at my wits end with the hotel today.  I asked if I could get a bottle of champagne for breakfast to make mimosas to celebrate and the cheapest bottle was 15,000 rupees equivalent to $300 American.  Are you kidding me!  Then I asked about a courtesy shuttle to the airport but that would cost me $60 American.  I guess they don't understand the word courtesy.  To top it all off, I went down to the dinner buffet and grabbed something quick by myself 'cause Becca was on a call.  I asked for my bill and signed it and headed back towards the elevators to my room.  When all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder, in the middle of the lobby, another waiter saying "ma'am you didn't pay your bill".  I was about to lose it, right in front of the dining room manager I turned to the waiter and said "check the table it's on top signed, you need to look next time before you accuse someone."   I just turned around and headed up to my room.  On arrival I received a phone call from the manager apologizing profusely for the waiter.  He also advised that Becca was downstairs at the buffet and he would like me to come down to join her, to make up for the waiters mistake.  When I got down he ushered me over to Becca and returned a few mins. later with a coconut creme brule.  I think it's time that the hotel and I get a divorce we've been around each other too long.  Becca said we'll go to dinner at the Italian restaurant so I can avoid being harassed.

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang


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