Friday, September 30, 2011

Last post!

So I'll be leaving in a few short hours.  Yippee!  I'm full of nerves about this long flight. :-(  My driver took me to see the 7 tombs today, and then over to his home.  His family was extremely welcoming.  His sister gave me henna tattoos on my arms.  I'm excited for everyone to see them, hopefully they will last.  I took a picture before I washed off the henna, just in case it fades before I get home.  It only lasts about 3 days, and I had to keep the henna on for 3 hours before washing it off.  She had such a steady hand it was amazing.  Well I'd better log out and finish putting the last few items in the suitcase.  Hope this flight goes quick.  I hope you all enjoyed my blog and I hope that you feel like you've experienced some of India with me.  Love you all and will be seeing you soon.
KB over and out!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

One of my lasts postings...

Well this will be one of my last postings, I have just a little over 24 hours left of my trip here in India.  It's been a blast!  I'm attaching some photos of the class and some photos from Rajesh's birthday.  Poor guy they smeared the cake all over his face.  That is a custom here for birthday to add some sweetness to their lives.  Pretty funny!  I can honestly say that I'm ready to come home.  I'm at my wits end with the hotel today.  I asked if I could get a bottle of champagne for breakfast to make mimosas to celebrate and the cheapest bottle was 15,000 rupees equivalent to $300 American.  Are you kidding me!  Then I asked about a courtesy shuttle to the airport but that would cost me $60 American.  I guess they don't understand the word courtesy.  To top it all off, I went down to the dinner buffet and grabbed something quick by myself 'cause Becca was on a call.  I asked for my bill and signed it and headed back towards the elevators to my room.  When all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder, in the middle of the lobby, another waiter saying "ma'am you didn't pay your bill".  I was about to lose it, right in front of the dining room manager I turned to the waiter and said "check the table it's on top signed, you need to look next time before you accuse someone."   I just turned around and headed up to my room.  On arrival I received a phone call from the manager apologizing profusely for the waiter.  He also advised that Becca was downstairs at the buffet and he would like me to come down to join her, to make up for the waiters mistake.  When I got down he ushered me over to Becca and returned a few mins. later with a coconut creme brule.  I think it's time that the hotel and I get a divorce we've been around each other too long.  Becca said we'll go to dinner at the Italian restaurant so I can avoid being harassed.

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days are winding down...

Mark today as the first day that I'm truly homesick.  I've made it for 5 1/2 weeks of such an adventure. Now that everything is winding down and I'm so close to going home,  I wish the week was already over.  I can't wait to see my family and friends.  Roscoe will probably be a little menace for the first few days but I'm even prepared for him.  I will miss everyone here and it will be a little weird not living at a hotel but I'll survive.  Plus I guess I'll be back in a hotel for 4 weeks soon enough.  I've made a lot of new friends that I know I'll keep in touch with in the states and here in India.  I have no regrets about what I've gotten to see and do while I've been here.  Everyone here in India are such welcoming people.  For example Becca and I picked up her saree at the shop on Monday and the owner invited us for dinner at his home with his whole family.  The hotel staff although a few are nuts many of them have become my friends asking me what I got shopping and how's work going.  I'm very blessed to have had the chance to come here and blessed that I have such loving family and friends at home ready for me to come back.  These six weeks have been a blast and I will never forget this trip for the rest of my life.  Sorry for the long monologue but I felt that I haven't written in awhile.

 “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cricket and Inorbit.

Yesterday was a day filled with cricket and shopping.  In the morning we went over to Vineet's home where he made us breakfast.  Rice patties with coconut and tomato, chili chutneys and Maggie (which is similar to Ramin noodles).  I've supplied a pic.  Also we went and watched his cricket match where both Becca and I got to swing the bat.  See to the left Becca creaming the ball.  I've also attached pics of the MVP of the game Vineet.  He's an excellent bowler and hit a 6 and a 4 during his time up to bat.  I'll have to break down and explain the game at another time.  We all went to lunch at a nice restaurant near Golkonda Fort called the Fort and Vineet got Becca and I onto his scooter on the side road near it.  WOoo Hoo!  After we went over to the Inorbit mall and did a little shopping Rahul came with us and thought we bought out all the stores.  Men should really not come shopping with women except to carry the bags.  Back at the hotel we were riding up the elevator and Becca decided to ask this poor white guy on the elevator if he was Travis, I looked at her funny then she said oh no Rich.  She must have been extremely tired asking strangers who they were.  The man just thought she was crazy.  Today is going to be a lazy day we went to brunch at Bubblicious and had some drinks and great Italian food and we are heading off to the pool just to lounge around for awhile.  Tomorrow we'll be going to Charminar to do some sight seeing and shopping, maybe to a movie before work.  Everyone have a great Sunday!!!  Less than a week to go.  I miss everyone and will be home before you know it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Last weekend begins....

Ok I think I'm ready to come home, everyone is now starting to get on my nerves at the hotel.  They are charging me for things that shouldn't be charged, shutting off the hot water in my room.  Why me?  Now it's my last weekend here in Hyderabad and there are protests going on all weekend and everything is shut down for the weekend.  I guess I'll be going out during the week to get my final purchases.  Well at least we are going over to Vineet's home this morning and he's fixing Becca and I Maggie noodles and chai.  Then off to the cricket game, he even said that I can try batting.  Wooo hoo!  We were supposed to go to Charminar today but that will be postponed till Monday.  We will hit the mall I guess.  Well no sleep for me today.  I'll get pics of me playing some cricket.  I leave a week from today and it doesn't seem for real yet, we'll see when I have to start packing up.  Miss you all and will see you soon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 days and counting!

I know I haven't been very good at writing lately especially when it's been work and the hotel during the week.  This weekend will be my last weekend it's weird to think that my trip is almost over.  My class got me a giant silver Charminar that lights up, 'cause they say I need one or I'll get withdraws when I get home.  Of course I'll be heading back there again this weekend.  I also have plans to see a cricket game in person and see a flick one night.  Becca wants to see some of the old standbys and I'll probably hit some of those with her.  I've decided that I want to create a traditional Indian meal for my family so get your tummies ready for some spice.  Tandoori chicken is the best and maybe some curry and naan.  Deserts, I think I'll keep with an American recipe.  10 days to go and I'll be home.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Going bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S....

Sorry to all my followers its been awhile since I've written I've been ill I haven't had much to say and not feeling up to it.  Yesterday did a little shopping and today had a big adventure to YadagiriGutta a very large temple about 1 1/2 hours away from Hyderabad.  The drive over wasn't with my usual driver Abdul it was a new driver I've never been with.  It was a scary ride I believe I saw my life flash before my eyes about 18 times on the way there.  I'm all about the fast crazy driving but if the guy ahead has his break lights on slow down before you make a stop.  Becca has arrived also and took the trip up with a few people from the class, Travis and I.  We got there just as the gates had closed for a couple hours so we went to an old temple near by.  At that temple my class knew how much I wanted to see the monkeys and there was one there.  They bought me some bananas to throw to him and before we knew it there were 5 or 6 hanging around.  One came down let me hand him the banana right to him another decided he couldn't wait and grabbed one right out of my hands and ran off. They are pretty smart they would peel the bananas before eating them.  I've attached a pic of me handing a banana over to one of the monkeys.  On the ride out of the little village we saw a funeral procession.  They carried the deceased on straw down the streets and the body was exposed with a sugar cane in his mouth for a sweet end.  They also tossed flowers up in the air beated drums and chanted happily celebrating the man's life.  We had some time to buy so we went over to Surendra Puri which had replicas of all the gods and demi gods and their stories.  Like a large diorama, it was great I got to go to heaven and hell and back all in a couple hours.  Cameras weren't allowed into the park but we spent about 2 hours inside and the heat was sweltering.  Once we were done we headed up to YadagiriGutta and went into that temple with a giant idol that you are only to see partial side view because of it's power.  On the way home I rode with Abdul so I could feel safe.  We stopped off at a roadside restaurant and had tandoori chicken and biryani.  Today has been a really long day I will talk soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory...

Sleeping again has become a chore.  Almost a complete month down here in Hyderabad.  I was taught how to really put on my saree so I'm going to practice this morning then crash down to sleep.  I've got nothing more today except the rain has started coming down again and I'm hoping that it stops before the weekend.  Nightie night.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

Monday morning we wanted to get a jump on our day since it's the few last days that Tammy will be here.  We wanted to go see the Salar Jung Museum and Chowmahalla Palace before she leaves.  The museum was very interesting with all the Indian art pieces, furniture and weapons.  One of the most famous pieces in the collection is the marble sculpture "Veiled Rebecca" by an Italian artist.  Attached is a photo of the sculpture, still won't do it justice.  No cameras were allowed in the museum so no personal photos.  Chowmahalla Palace though was exquisite as you can see by my photos.  Beautiful architecture and wonderful show pieces from the Hyderabad royalty.  Most of my class has never been in the palace, shocking I know but then I thought of Hollywood Graumans Chinese Theater and the first time I went was just a couple years ago.  I guess you don't always appreciate what is close by.  Kalyani one of my participants was so sweet and had my petticoats made for my sarees this weekend, to finish them off.  I'm so excited now they are complete.  I did make Tammy a little jealous since she hasn't gotten hers yet and she's leaving on Wed.  Yesterday was a long day so I'll be signing off.  Till tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Amazing daze...

Yesterday we decided not to sleep and head over to the Birla Temple.  It's located up on top of a hill overlooking Hussain Sagar Lake.  The temple is made completely with white marble the details were amazing.  Cameras and and shoes were forbidden so we couldn't take pictures any closer to the temple then down at the parking.  It was a good and bad thing, good that nobody could stop us to ask to take pictures and bad that I don't think I could even begin to describe how beautiful and detailed the building were.  There was a young girl that came up to me when we were getting our shoes on and said "hi" when i replied hi to her she ran over to her friend and said I talked to the white girl.  Then we were trying to get a few pics before we left and a big group of girls came up all giggly introducing themselves.  Then they asked us if they could take a picture, I did what my class had suggested and asked if I could take a pic of them.  They all squealed with glee.  I've attached some photos of the temple and of the girls.  Today we met Travis, who is out here from TN.  He said that he was going out with Samir, Tammy and I decided to invite ourselves to come along.  Some more shopping was on the agenda then we went to the bar to grab a drink.  Today was the final day of Ganesh festival so everyone was covered in colors, banging drums and bringing their Ganesh to the water to throw in.  I don't know what is up with me and the hotel but I've got to say that the strangest things only happen to me.  I ordered a glass of wine and when the waiter came out he brought Travis and Tammy their drinks but only brought me an empty glass.  So kidding I asked if the wine was magic and would appear later he said he would go get the bottle.  When he got the bottle he couldn't open it so he started to bang the bottom of the bottle like it was a Heinz 57 bottle of ketchup.  We were all rolling on the floor laughing.  I'm terribly tired and we have a long day of sightseeing then to the office so I'm going to hit the sheets.  Nighty Night.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's all just craziness...

Well to start it all off there is just craziness here.  The hotel staff as nice as they can be are a little off the wall.  Whatever happened to the customer is always right?  I was planning on meeting Tammy in the gym yesterday and I told her I had to run to the restroom and change and I would meet her up there.  Well I was just starting to wash up and the door bell rang, not just once but continually for about 2 mins.  I kept yelling at her (thinking it was Tammy) to take a chill pill and I'd be right there but the ringing wouldn't stop.  I swung open the door ready to be a smart mouth and it wasn't Tammy standing there.  It was the bell hop.  I asked what was wrong and he said he was there to pick up my luggage.  I told him I wasn't leaving & that he had the wrong room, but he was insistent that I was the one that was wrong and tried to push his way in.  Really does he know something that I don't?  WOW!!  Besides the point we got our sarees last night so Tammy and I played around this morning and put them on.  Boy I've got a lot of working out to do.  They are really sparkly and Tammy took a pic of one of them on me I'll try to post it if she sends it over.  We are heading out to do some sight seeing at about 10:30 am so we both made a pact to fore go any sleep till we get back.  There is a new trainer in town and Tammy told him to rest up today and we would do something on Monday afternoon (more shopping).  Tomorrow is the last day of the Ganesh festival and everyone is getting ready to throw their statues into the lakes and rivers, so they told us we are better off not going out.  I'm thinking it would be a good time to unwind and get a hot stone massage.  My class asked me about Sept. 11th last night and talking about it made me almost tear up.  The people here deal with so much already, I'm very lucky and blessed. Namaste!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Shiparamam going shopping strong....

4 o'clock and off to shop was our plan yesterday at the arts & crafts village of Shilparamam.  Try to say that 10 times fast.  I've attached some photos to check out.  You really had to haggle the vendors down.  One of them tried to sell a pashmina to Tammy for 900 rupees.  Our driver was with us and told me I needed to fetch Tammy so she wouldn't get ripped off by the outrageous prices.  She ended up buying one similar for 300 rupees.  Really can't people be honest?  Again we were attacked by request for photos.  What is such a big deal about Tammy and I.  My class said they must think we are celebrities.  Bunch of Crazies!!  I've attached a pic of my class also.  We've got a busy weekend filled with fun places and things to see.  My class told me that I should turn it around on those that keep asking us for our pictures and start taking pictures of them.  Well I'm going to try to sleep up today so I'm ready for the weekend.  See ya later...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

To all of my loyal followers...

I want you all to know that it's not that easy to be so witty and charming every day.  There is only so much I can say about a day of reading, watching t.v. and sleeping then going to work at night.  So I'm sorry for not communicating the mundane days and nights in India.  I'm doing my best though.  I slept all day and last night I worked.  I'm planning on resting this morning until about 3pm then we are going to go to shopping at a local art bazaar, then off to work. I'll talk to you all soon with hopefully some more entertaining information.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I knew I was going to be saree....

Sleeping has been eluding itself from me for the past few days.  I went from sleeping all day & night to feeling like Hans Christian Andersen's Princess and the Pea.  I'm exhausted from working all night but as soon as I lay down on the bed I just can't get comfortable.  I get phone calls from the front desk advising me there was a man standing at my door in regards to a sock.  A sock tried to run for freedom by jumping into my laundry bag.  Of course these comments to the staff here at the hotel didn't get the chortles that I am accustomed to receiving.  I went to my front door and spent 20 mins. trying to restrict entrance of the laundry man from his search and recovery mission for the at large, sock to the pair. He was insistent that it could be found under my bed.  I advised that the escape artists twin was in my suitcase.  With the construction outside my window and a bird that is insistent on singing me a lullaby, and phone calls from the front desk, none of these are helping with my sleep patterns.  Tammy and I did head out to the far parts of town to get measured for our sarees.  So finally I know I'm going to have a finished saree.  We also got a delivery of our custom pearls, they are so beautiful.  More than what I could imagine.  We planned out our busy weekend since this will be her last weekend here.  I will miss her crazy, wonderful, indecisive, adventurous spirit.  No plans for today except hopefully get some peace, ok how about just a good 5 hours, no interruptions, snooze fest.  I guess the sleeping pills will return today or I'll be useless tonight in class.  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, but if they do, grab your shoe and beat them till they are black and blue....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pearls, pearls & more pearls....

Today was a great day for shopping.  Bright and sunny Tammy and I headed back down to Charminar for pearls.  On the way there we saw two camels today, finally, there's only so many buffalo one person can take.  Samir the manager for Tammy's class took us down to his friends wholesale jewelry store where we got to custom design pieces for family and friends.  We spent a good 3 hours looking at all the selections of pearls he had to offer.  It was amazing!!  He did show me a pendant and earrings that were specially designed more Indian traditional pieces and I was on the verge of purchasing them.  I've attached a picture.  Please let me know if you think I should buy them.  The picture still doesn't do it justice.  It's two peacocks back to back, done in crystals and rubies.  Then we headed to Chili's for dinner and did a little shopping at the mall.  Samir has been so gracious with us and is planning a big weekend of sightseeing and shopping for us next weekend.  Have a bright wonderful day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

27 hours and counting....

I slept so much on Thurs. night I've now reached my 27th hour of being wide awake.  I'm not even sure it would be worth falling asleep right now.  I was up at 6 a.m. Friday morning and worked last night so currently it's 9 a.m. Sat. morning.  The plans for the weekend haven't been exactly confirmed and Tammy and I are not sure if the wholesale jewelry store is open on Sunday so we might be heading over this afternoon.  Question is do I even bother going to sleep if i may be up in a couple hours to go shopping.  I think I'll just rest and hope I can wake up when she calls.  Work was better 'cause I'm feeling better.  It's so much easier to train when you feel almost normal.  I'd gotta getta goin'....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Celebrity or side show freak?

Yesterday Tammy and I went to Golconda Fort,  the weather was perfect for our outing, a little warm.  We walked all over the fort and climbed up to the highest tower, which were alot, alot of stairs.  We were the big attraction though everyone wanted to take pictures with us and of us.  I guess this is how celebrities feel or side show freaks.  It got a little overwhelming and Kia one of Tammy's participants came with us, started to get us away from everyone.  I've attached some pictures of the fort but there is one picture that Tammy took of me next to Kia, a woman and her daughter.  I look like Gulliver from Gulliver Travels.  I wasn't exagerating about how tall I feel here.  Once we left the fort we went to the Hussain Sugar Lake.  It was a lake man made back in 1562 and there it hold the tallest statue of Buddha in the middle of the lake.  It was also the festival of Ganesh, so there were big statues of him all thoughout the city.  Door ways were adorned with orange, yellow and white flower garlands draped all over.  Ganesh is one of the Hindu gods, the story is that his father was the god of war and was off fighting battles and his mother wanted someone to gaurd her door so she created a son and told him to pretect her and not to let anyone in.  His father came home and wanted to enter but Ganesh following instructions would not let him pass so his father took a sword and cut off Ganesh's head.  The mother saw what her husband had done and was very upset, her husband wanted to make amends and found the first animal he could (which was an elephant) and replaced Ganesh's head with an elephants head.  Yesterday was the start of an 11 day festival and on the final day they will throw the statues of Ganesh into the water.  It was all in all a great day.  I could really do without the stares though.  Happy Ganesh Day!