Friday, August 26, 2011

Take the good you take the bad and there you have the facts of life!

The driving here is crazy.....  The office is about a half a mile from the office and I thought we were going to kill 5 motorcyclist & 20 pedestrians.  I can't even look anymore.  So today I got sick.  Not because of the driving either.  The food either finally caught up with me or I ate something today that did not agree with me.  The conference room that we are in also had air conditioning problems, so we had 12 bodies, 12 computers, tiny room and I wanted to puke.  Hey it's the good and the bad with this blog, get over it.  They got the air conditioning running about 1am this morning and I'm feeling a little bit better so hopefully everything will be fine tonight.  My class wanted me to go to dinner with them, they were going to order me some haleem.  I felt bad that I couldn't but promised them I would tonight.  Oh I hope my stomach will be better.  I hope I have better news for you tomorrow.  Ta ta...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think I'm finally going to be able to post something... I'm really enjoying your blog and your adventure along with you.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    The wall in your bathroom is very interesting. Is that a real plant, it's lovely !!!
    Take care,
