Monday, August 29, 2011

Monsoon season is dampering our plans.

Tammy and I were supposed to go to the fort yesterday but the rain caused us to postpone our trip.  They say that the rain should stop soon so we are keeping our fingers crossed.  The driver took us around the Beverly Hills of Hyderabad, the homes are huge.  The class separation is very apparent, and so sad.  Well to buy some of our time we went jewelry shopping.  Wow I can see why this is called the city of Pearls.  I think that my height intimidates some of the sales people, when we were shopping Tammy was being pushed into buying things while I said I'd be back and they would go "OK".  It's pretty sad when I'm just as tall or taller than most people here.  We did get to see buffalo running in the middle of the streets yesterday.  I have still to meet a monkey though.  It's Monday here and I haven't gotten much sleep this weekend trying to be up during the day and my body is used to being up through the night.  I've broken into a full blown cold though and thank goodness for Josie that's been providing me with some meds.  I've taken a sleeping pill to put myself out.  Later...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are having quite the adventure, it all sounds very exciting, I'm enjoying your blog, keep it up. How many other places can you see a buffalo running down the middle of the street !!!
    I hope your cold gets better real soon.
