Sunday, August 21, 2011

Give me a break!

This is to all of you (& you know who I'm talking about) give me a break I just flew on a plane for 24 hours.  So the flights were good couldn't think about going there any other way but business class.  I sat by a nice couple taking a river cruise.  Then on the way to Hyderabad I had the pilots sit by me and take a nap while the plane was in flight.  One from England told me that Hyderabad is like India light.  Well once I arrived in Hyderabad airport I had a porter help me with my bags and he kind of laughed how many there were.  Then I met up with my driver who pulls a car up that we were all unsure if all my bags were going to fit.  There was a smell of burning incense outside of the airport.  The women were dressed to the nines in beautiful, colorful, & sparkly Sarees.  Even the Muslim women with only their eyes showing in black had big sparkly bangles and shoes.  Driving in India was very interesting, now mind you this was 6 a.m. on Sunday morning and hardly anyone was on the road.  My driver had no concern for lanes in fact he like to use the the dotted line to center his car.  Also my dad would be an excellent driver here, 'cause no one uses their blinker just like him.  Horn though are used a lot.  It's very poor here and I'm continually being told that this isn't bad compared to other parts of India.  Driving to the hotel it was like driving through Joshua tree.  There are little dilapidated homesteads the difference here is people live in them.  I did see a cute older couple riding on a motorcycle, her riding side saddle on the back in a binged out blue Saree.  The hotel is very nice I'll take a pic and scan it later.  I met up for dinner with Josie another trainer here from Texas.  Well I think I'm going to crash out again didn't get much sleep on the plane.  Till later....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, hit the wrong button!

    Hey! sounds like your trip is off to a rip-roaring start! So...when are you going shopping? Ha! ha!
