Saturday, August 27, 2011

Culinary delights....

Well yesterday was a good sleeping day, in other words I didn't sleep the day away.  Josie (trainer from TX) and I went to the Italian restaurant downstairs for some pizza.  It was just like pizza from Naples fire brick oven and thin crusts Yummy.  We went for lunch since both of our classes were getting us dinner.  Her's got KFC (YUCK!).  Mine bought me biryani a Hyderabad delicacy.  See the pics.  I even ate with my fingers 'cause they told me that's how it should be enjoyed.   Actually it was better than the biryani I have had at my hotel.Later today after I get some sleep Josie and I are heading into old Hyderabad to the shopping in Charminar (the picture I have at night below).  So those that I'm shopping for I'm finally getting out there.  One of my participants is going to meet us there when he wakes up.  Well I've better get some shut eye if I'm going to be up for some retail therapy.  Ba-bye.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better. Funny, I've been nagged by Lava (you know, the IT guy who fixes all our system issues) that eating with our hands the 'appropriate' way to eat the food.

    Hope your excursion goes well.

    BTW, I have a note from Adriana: don't buy Salma anything yet, until she talks to you...She wants to change the style.
