Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First night of class & I survived.

Well it's Tues. morning here in Hyderabad.  I've survived my first night of class.  They are extremely nice and seem to laugh at my humor, now if they actually understand it or not your guess is as good as mine.  The head shaking is very confusing and I know that the side to side shaking means "YES"  but it's still will take me some time to get used to.  The 2lbs of See's candies are gone after one night I'm going to have to slow down the class with their chocolate habit.  Their chocolate here is not very good and I see why they like American chocolate so much.  Plus See's is the best!  Participation was not easy to get at first but after a manager pretty much yelled at them, they started to be more active in the class.  The time is something that we all need to get used to.  Today was really slow making all of us pooped when it got to be about 1am.  Well I should probably try to get some shut eye so I don't sleep through my day like I did yesterday.  Yes Dad you were right I should have taken the sleeping pills you offered me before I left.  Till tomorrow, or is it yesterday..I can't keep up.

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