Thursday, August 25, 2011

YEP! is the word of the day...

Ok 3 days down this week and my class is opening up to me more.  In fact they asked me what yep meant.  Strange that they have to pay close attention to me to pick up words that they know in order to interpret what I'm saying.  I told them I do the same thing.  Cool beans will spread like wild fire in India have I'm through with them.  Of course when I gave them the definition of cool beans (great, good for you, awesome, etc.)  they kind of laughed saying those 2 words mean all that.  One of my students even googled the words to see what they meant.  I thought it was my original saying, I guess not.  Well some have asked how the food has been and it's pretty good it's a lot spicier then in the states but still yummy.  The class has been telling me all about the different foods and specialties I should try while I'm here.  I need to try haleem on Wed. next week 'cause that is only seasonal after Ramadan has come to an end.  Well I'm too pooped to pop. Later gator.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, we've got a confusing language, you betcha...

    Let's make it more so, by adding 'ginormous' and 'awesome-sauce'.

    Used in a sentence:

    "The restaurant was totally full of awesome-sauce! And the dessert! Ginormous!!"
