Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's nice to be upper class!

So I'll tell you I've checked in at LAX Bradley terminal on British Airlines, boy I can't believe how well I've been treated.  Me, who scrapes by.  I got to be in the fast lanes for both check-in and TSA, mind that the regular check-in wasn't so bad.  Three bags I checked in for FREE! Of course my mom and dad brought me to the airport to help with all my baggage, good thing 'cause 5 bags by myself I would look like a pack mule. Now I'm sitting up at the business class lounge listening to Champagne bottles pop, again for FREE!  You've got to be kidding me how will I ever go back to coach after this?  So I've taken a pic of the Heineken I'm sipping on while I'm sitting here typing.  Everyone in here is probably starring at the girl who's taking pics of herself and her drink.  Oh wait that's me.  When I get to Hyderabad I'll write more.

Bye for now!

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